Fatherhood Programs - Erie Family Center



Responsible Fatherhood Programs

Helping fathers overcome challenges to be a responsible father to their children.
Fatherhood programs offers a range of services for fathers that are designed and dedicated to support, council, educate, advocate, and challenge fathers to become a strong, positive force within their families.


Foundations of Fatherhood

This 12 to 14-week workshop for all dads offered at several community locations each week. Foundations of Fatherhood provides a safe and supportive group for men to more fully understand their importance as a father in their children’s lives. With the help of qualified group facilitators, men receive assistance to improve family management and parenting skills.


Group Meeting Schedule

Wednesday 10:00am – 11:30am
Thursday 6:30pm – 8:00pm

*Childcare and transportation are provided when requested with advanced registration.

Group Session Topics

Character of a Man
Improving Communications
Healthy Adult Relationships
My Anger, Friend or Foe
Tradition, Cultures and Identity
Stages of Child Development
Developing Your Support System


Child Development
Being a parent is the most important, and sometimes, the hardest job you will ever have. Of course, you want what is best for your children: good health, quality education, a safe neighborhood, and hope for a bright future. At the Erie Family Center, we believe that “Parents are their child’s first and most important teachers!” Our family support programs provide services through skilled staff, all in the comfort of your own home and at our family-friendly center.


Leading a family is the hardest job a man can ever have.

Dave Ramsey

Fatherhood Initiatives Program Referral Form

This form is to be completed by anyone interested in enrolling in our family support programs. Once completed, one of our staff will contact you to get your customized family plan started.