Guardianship - Erie Family Center



Guardianship Erie, Pa


The need for Guardianship for a senior citizen arises once it is determined that a senior is now unable to care for themselves and/or their property.

Often, an incident occurs that moves a family member, health care professional, social worker, or some other concerned person to initiate guardianship proceedings.

There may be a concern that an individual is: being financially exploited (or is about to be exploited), unable to care for themselves, cannot perform the activities of daily life without assistance.

Typically, an evidentiary hearing will determine whether the person is incapacitated. If incapacity is determined, the next step is finding whether a guardian is needed. If so, then a guardian will be appointed and given the legal authority to care for the incapacitated person’s personal and/or property interests, as well as the duty to act in that person’s best interests. The guardian will be required to account for expenses and time spent caring for the needs of the person in their care.

Guardianship Program Referral Form

This form is to be completed by anyone interested in enrolling in our family support programs. Once completed, one of our staff will contact you to get your customized family plan started.