Below are our primary family support programs offered by skilled staff, all in the comfort of your own home and at our family-friendly center. To enroll in any of our programs, please complete the registration form below to start the process of creating a customized family plan. Transportation and childcare are available upon request.
The PAT-Fostering Families program aims to assist at risk families with maintaining custody and/or reunifying children with their parents through ongoing intensive support by highly trained Parent Educators.
PAT-Fostering Families integrates the Parents as Teachers evidence-based parenting curriculum, with guided and monitored family visits in a structured and safe setting. It provides hands on approaches to building parenting knowledge, skills and confidence. It follows a holistic approach to strengthening families through this evidence-based early childhood home visiting model. PAT-FF can provide services to parents, grandparents and foster parents whose children’s ages ranges from prenatal to kindergarten. The program is designed specifically for parents involved in the Office of Children and Youth with children currently placed in Foster/Kinship care, or with children who are deemed “at risk” by the Office of Children and Youth.
This is a 12-week safe and supportive group for women to aid in fully understanding their importance as a mother in the lives of their children. With the help of a qualified group facilitator, women receive assistance to improve family management and parenting skills.
This is a 12-week safe and supportive group for men to aid in fully understanding their importance as a father in the lives of their children. This program is designed and dedicated to support, counsel, educate, advocate, and challenge fathers to become a strong, positive force within their families.
Incredible Years is designed to promote emotional and social competence. This advanced parenting program is utilized to prevent, reduce, and treat aggression and emotional problems in young children ages 0-12 years old including children in the Autism Spectrum. By using prevention techniques taught in IY the chances of later developing delinquent behaviors is reduced. It consists of a two-hour session once a week for up to fourteen (14) weeks. In these sessions, trained facilitators use videos to encourage group discussion, sharing of ideas and promote problem solving.
For families experiencing separations or divorce. Co-parenting counseling allows parents the opportunity to share in the needs and interests of their children. The cost for this service is $80/hr. and spaces are available.
A Parent education program dedicated to help parents build strong, positive relationships with their children and overcome the stress that can take the fun out of parenting. The program offers easy-to learn parenting solutions that are research based and proven effective for age groups from toddlers through Adolescents.
Transportation and Childcare is available upon request